Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Most Frustrating

I think what is most frustrating to parents that would like to receive regular child support is that we do abide by legal options available. We may send letters, or telephone our reminders to the non-custodial parents - but it seems as though the non - custodial parents are the ones that get to break all of the laws and there seems to be little more than a slap on the wrist.

Take this example:

George sent me an email today, he like a growing number of men, is the custodial parent. The non-custodial parent in this instance is Denise McKnight, current past due amount is over $69,000. She was last known to reside in Lindewold, NJ. She too uses alias, various social security numbers and date of birth to avoid detection. There is no proof that her father, Howard Hightower, is actually hiding her, the general assumption is that he does know where she is. Further he knows the outstanding amount of the past due child support of his grandchildren, and makes no known effort to encourage her to pay it, or notify the authorities of where she is located. Cassandra Blassingame may also have information on her whereabouts.

If you come across this blog and happen to know where either of these non-paying parents are, shoot us an email at shaylalalala@gmail.com.

If you’d like to profile someone – send an email to the same address.

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