Thursday, August 30, 2007

General Musings

As I look at various articles, blogs, and opinions on child support - I'd like to make it clear that this blog in particular is not "anti-man" or "anti-father". My personal child support battle is with a non-custodial father. This only means that my perspective is a female perspective, and one that has to battle both the child support division and the non-custodial father.

Glenn Sacks has caught my eye with his very very bitter view of women, and that all things women must have an agenda - I believe that as much as I believe all men are deceitful, dishonest and cheaters. (It covers a few, but not all)

I absolutely believe that short of abusive behavior, or dangerous activities - Fathers should have the opportunity to be a father to their children. As frustrating as it is to seemingly be locked in a battle over financial responsibility, I personally believe it's separate and shouldn't impact a father's presence in a child's life. Likewise if it's the mother that is not paying, but can be in a child's life, that would be optimal. We choose the battles we fight with our children because we want to mold them and help them become the best adults that they can be, we need to give them character and a moral background. That can include fighting the child support battle -

I'm not anti-father's right; not pro-mother's rights. I am pro-child(ren) and feel like the system is broken. The whole child support system should probably be overhauled and taken out of public sector and into the private sector, still utilizing the court system as necessary.

More later....

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